Jackson Pollock
Born on 01/28/1912
Born in Wyoming
Died on 08/11/1956
  From the 1940s the painter Jackson Pollock, born on January 28th, 1912 in Wyoming, used a technique generally described by terms like "action-painting" or "drip-painting". Here action means that the picture becomes a documentation of a dynamic act, where the action itself is at the centre of interest.

In 1946-47 Pollock began creating his large format "overall- paintings" in which he brought the colour on canvas through spontaneous dripping. With the help of cans, that were full of holes out of which the colour ran out, he created maze-like tangled colour-web structures. These paintings turned him into the most important "action-painter" and exponent of Abstract Expressionism.

In the last paintings before his death in August 1956 it East Hampton (New York) in a car accident, Jackson Pollock concentrated on black and white structures, that reflected his return to the figurative.

All pictures by Jackson Pollock display/show