Impression d'art: Mona Lisa de Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519. "Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)", c.1503. Wood, 77 x 53cm.

The Mona Lisa, also known as "La Gioconda" or "La Joconde," is an iconic painting by Leonardo da Vinci created in the 16th century. It portrays a young woman with a mysterious smile on her lips. The interpretation of the Mona Lisa can be viewed from various perspectives, taking into account many aspects and nuances:

  1. Portrait and Expression: The Mona Lisa presents a portrait of a woman whose expression and gaze have fascinated viewers for centuries. Her smile is often described as enigmatic, as it is difficult to decipher. This aspect has sparked numerous discussions and interpretations, with some seeing hidden wisdom in her smile while others interpret it as a sign of shyness or restraint.
  2. Background and Landscape: In the background of the Mona Lisa, there is a picturesque landscape typical of Leonardo's style. The hazy mountains and rivers create an atmospheric depth and provide a harmonious contrast to the detailed depiction of the woman in the foreground.
  3. Clothing and Jewelry: The clothing of the Mona Lisa is typical of the Renaissance era. Her attire and veil are elegant and meticulously depicted, possibly indicating the social status and refinement of the depicted person. The absence of flashy jewelry and extravagant accessories, however, emphasizes her natural beauty and simplicity.
  4. Technique and Mastery: Leonardo da Vinci was a master of the sfumato technique, where colors and contours blend to create soft transitions between light and shadow. This gives the Mona Lisa a special atmosphere and an almost three-dimensional quality that contributes to its timeless beauty.
  5. Historical and Cultural Context: The Mona Lisa was created during the Italian Renaissance, an era of great cultural flourishing. It is not only a masterpiece of art history but also a testament to that time, marked by a resurgence of interest in science, art, and humanism.

Overall, the Mona Lisa is an artwork that has captured the imagination of people for centuries due to its artistic brilliance and mysterious allure. Its interpretation can vary significantly based on personal views and cultural backgrounds, but it unquestionably remains a milestone in art history and a symbol of the beauty and mystery of human nature.

Emplacement Musée du Louvre, Paris, Frankreich

Technique artistique oil on panel

Contenu de l'image Portrait

Catégorie d'art Renaissance

Image / Produit standard

image encadrée

gerahmtes Bild
Toile montée

toile encadrée

toile encadrée


formats populaires
formats libres
 20 x 30 cm
 30 x 45 cm
 45 x 70 cm
 65 x 100 cm
 75 x 115 cm
 Image complète


 Impression Papier d´Art
 Papier Aquarelle
 Papier Photo
 Toile fin


N° d'articleRP124368
ProduitImpression d'art
Taille du motif
Prix catalogue 95,00 €


formats populaires
formats libres
 25 x 40 cm
 45 x 70 cm
 55 x 85 cm
 65 x 100 cm
 70 x 110 cm
 Image complète
ou afficher

Taille normale


Toile fin

Cadre à clavettes

 Gallery Stretcher (18mm height)
 Museum Stretcher (42mm height)


 Bord blanc
 Bord imprimé
 Marge en miroir


ProduitImpression d'art en tant que toile
Taille du châssis
Prix catalogue
Votre CE (net)

Formats d'impression

 10 x 15
 13 x 18
 15 x 21
 14 x 14
 10,5 x 21
 10 x 30


 Carton extra lourd 350g


N° d'articleRP124368
ProduitImpression d'art
Prix catalogue65,55 €
Votre CE (net)---

Formats d'impression

 40 x 60 cm
 50 x 50 cm
 50 x 70 cm
 50 x 100 cm
 60 x 80 cm
 70 x 70 cm
 70 x 100 cm




N° d'articleRP124368

Impression d'art comme impression directe sur verre véritable

Prix65,55 €
plus frais de port

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Mona Lisa de l'artiste Leonardo da Vinci, -wood, 1451-1519, 1503, 53cm, Beauty, Gioconda, Hand, Hands
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N° d'articleRP124368
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Prix catalogue
Votre CE (net)

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Mona Lisa de l'artiste Leonardo da Vinci comme image encadrée
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